Tuesday, 1 April 2014

jntuh mpmc unit wise previous questions

1. with a neat functional diagram explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor
2. Explain the following addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor with examples
I. indexed ii. Register relative
iii. immediate    iv. Register
1.a) With a neat block diagram explain the architecture of 8086 processor. (May-2013)
b) Explain the following instructions of 8086
i) TEST ii) CMP iii) XLAT  IV) CBW
2.a) What is the purpose of the Instruction Queue of BIU in
8086? Why is the size of
the queue limited to 6 Bytes? (May-2013)
b)  Explain addressing modes of 8086 with an example. [5+10]
1.a) Discuss about the register organization of 8086 processor.
b) Explain the minimum mode operation of 8086 with the help of a neat
schematic diagram.
c) Explain the instruction formats of 8086. [16]

 1. Explain different registers used in 8086 and its memory segmentation. What are
the registers used to access memory. [15]
2. Explain different addressing modes in 8086. [15]
2. Explain instruction format for 8086. [15]
1. Explain interrupts of 8086 its minimum and maximum mode signals and common function signals. [15]

2. What are assembler directives and micros? Consider one example and show how they are used? [15]

3. Explain A/D and D/A conversion mechanism. [15]
4. Explain 8259 interrupt controller along with control registers. [15]
5. Explain the interfacing of RS-232 to 8086. [15]
4. Explain the interface of 8257 to 8086. [15]
5. Explain IEEE-488 bus and its protocols. [15]
3. Show 8255 PPI in mode1 operation and interface to 8086. [15]
4. Explain the interrupt structure of 8086. [15]
3. Interface a 12 bit DAC to 8255 with an address map of OCOOH to OCO#H. write the instruction sequence for generating a triangular wave with a maximum voltage of +3V and minimum of -2V.
4. Explain the difference between mask able and non-mask able interrupts with examples. Discuss about the interrupt priorities of 8259 controller.
4.a) Explain how to interface Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) to 8086 processor.
Give the hardware and software for it.
b) Explain type 3 interrupt in 8086. [12+3] (May-2013)

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