Monday, 10 March 2014

Saving Gas, How to reduce gas consumption, How to save gas,


    1. Flame should not be loose, that is flame should come with preasure.

    2. There should not be any red flame.

    3. Clean the burner with soap oil or any other liquids that should remove black ash.
    4. Make sure that all holes of jet or inductor should be required small.

    5. Use teflan tape for rectifying leakages.

If you want to reduce the gas wastage please remember the following points:

1. Use pilot burners which uses very less gas, we need to keep them on position while not using main                  burnersThis will helps in reducing the gas flow.
burner pilot 
pilot flame conditions 

 The different conditions of pilot is given in the side image
2. Maintain regular services on the gas burners. Because the gas mechanics will repair burners they will turn        the red flame to blue flame. The blue flame generate the more heat.
burner with good condition 

burner with good condition
 the burners without problem is shown with blue flames like in the two up and side images. It will take less amount of gas to heat anything.
burner in bad condition

This is the burner need to be repaired completely. If we find the red flame from burner like in image will take more gas to and more time to make heat and it will damages containers one it with black ash.

3. The third and most important thing is the design of the many-fold at gas bank should be in such a way that      " there should be no gas remained in the cylinders that means the cylinders should become              complete empty".
4. Check regularly whether there is any leakage in the gas line.

NOTE: Now a days the cost of gas is becoming very high, and it is very high for commercial burners. so we need to reduce the gas wastage in order to reduce the expenditure. And this amount is on of the main amount in running the Hotels or Industries.

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